Outward bound
Matt ReederWhat does it mean to be a civic university?
What does it mean to be a civic university?
From podcasts to advisory panels, community-based research to collaborative reports, Dalhousie faculty are engaged well beyond the university.
Dal takes the lead in IHRIS, a new Nova Scotia-wide initiative aimed at making the health system smarter, nimbler and more efficient
Workplace experience helps make students real-world ready
A full roster of events is in the works for our 200th celebration—find out how you can get involved
Regional leaders are tackling the challenge of building a stronger Nova Scotia economy in a one-of-a-kind global innovation and entrepreneurship program
How Dal is embracing internationalization by teaming up and sharing data, infrastructure and best practices—and creating world-leading student and research experiences in the process
At the Dalhousie Agricultural Campus’s International Office staff use their expertise to benefit other countries through international development projects, student mobility opportunities and internationalization programs.
From cutting-edge classes to extracurricular activities, Dalhousie is fostering student and faculty interest in entrepreneurship and business creation, all with the goal of fuelling growth in Nova Scotia’s economy.